The reality is that air freshness and candles that are available on the market can be full of chemicals and not so friendly ingredients. 

Candles can be made with harmful chemicals and artificial ingredients & fragrances. Some candles are made of paraffin wax. Paraffin is petroleum waste product. When a candle burns the smoke it lets off is laced with many synthetic chemicals. it only takes an hour of burning a candle to produce the same harmful effects as smoking just one cigarette. - Andrew Sledd, M.D., a Missouri pediatrician who specializes in environmental toxicology. He said soot from candles can pose a threat to our respiratory systems. That soot can contain particles of zinc, tin, and lead. Because candles don't have filters, which typically remove microparticles, he said those soot particles are released into the room and can penetrate your lungs. 

Essential oils are my favourite way to experience the scents I love but with benefits. Read below for some of my favourite Good Morning diffuser bends.

  • Fragrance - The word “fragrance” can appear on a label and contain an enormous list of ingredients that a company is not required to disclose, as it is considered a ‘trade secret.’ That means a product could contain some awful ingredients and the consumer wouldn’t even know!
  • Formaldehyde 
  • Phthalates 
  • VOCs - Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are gases that are emitted into the air. 
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) 
  • Ethanolamines (MEA, DEA, and TEA) 
  • Triclosan 
These are just a FEW of the ingredients you want to avoid when bringing products into your home. But my oh my! Doesn’t that sound exhausting to have to read label after label, wondering if what you’re using is safe?

In the morning, I'm greeted with the promising aroma of calming essential oils when I switch on the oil diffuser. As I prepare a steaming cup of tea, our home is infused with relaxation and peace. The appealing scent becomes my ticket to bliss as it blends into my morning ritual. Even in moments of stress, the uplifting aroma helps me to feel energised and balanced. By infusing our home with these essential oils, I start the day off feeling well rested and optimistic.

Below I share my favourite oily blends to diffuse in the morning.

Good Morning Diffuser Blends

 Fresh Start
3 drops Lavender
4 drops Purification 
3 drops Eucalyptus Globulus 

Wake Up
4 drops Peppermint 
3 drops Lemon 
3 drops Roman Rosemary  

Calm Tropical Morning
5 drops Stress Away 
3 drops Lavender 
2 drops Ylang Ylang

5 drops Valor
3 drops Frankincense

Calm and Centred
5 drops Frankincense
5 drops Orange 

Hi there!

I’m Courtney, a creative crochet & holistic wellness lover. A wife & a mama to two free spirited children. I'm a passionate believer in holistic alternative ways to support my families wellness, emotions & wellbeing. 

If you aren’t already part of this amazing family, I would love to help you get started. Let’s connect and work together to figure out your most pressing needs and find the perfect products for you, this is my passion!  

When you use my personal enrolment number(20229254) you will automatically be added into our community of likeminded oily mamas and individuals.

Not only am I here to provide you with a bundle of gifts to jump start you getting to know your essential oils and products, you will also have my ongoing support.

I also have a library of resources to hook you up with: private team-only pages/groups, text education, private Facebook group to connect and learn with others AND I will be there to guide you when you need support and ask all the questions you need! I'm seriously just a phone call or message away. 

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