I help you discover natural alternatives to mainstream commonplace practices 
without feeling uncomfortable and alone.

Welcome to my corner, I'm Courtney! Homeschooling mum of 2 children, certified aromatherapist, crochet enthusiast, and creating a joyful life of abundance.

Whether you need help dealing with the daily stresses of parenting or want extra energy that lasts – I've got tips on how to keep yourself centered while supporting your wellbeing.  

I'm all about taking the hassle out of your life and sharing rhythms and routines that will help keep you centred, while following your values and beliefs so you don't feel like you're on a never ending hamster wheel. With my support, it is my hope that you‘ll gain more clarity in living a healthy and thriving lifestyle!

Being a mother can be one of the most rewarding experiences yet sometimes it can feel like one of the most overwhelming. It’s important to recognise the toll that stress can take on the body – particularly on our central nervous system. The overload of stress hormones like cortisol floods our bloodstream and creates an internal chaos, where we can become both physically and emotionally overwhelmed.

It's essential to remember that we are only human and it is totally normal for this to happen – especially for us mothers! It's also important to make sure you are taking care of yourself by practicing relaxation strategies, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and eating a nutritious diet that is perfect for providing fuel for your mind and body. If overwhelm is holding you back from moving forward, I've got a blog to help you here.

Here are 2 things you may also find helpful,

11 Day Jumpstart - which focuses on balancing our bodies and eating a balanced diet, which leads to better sleep, energy and weight management. Read more about it here. 

How to Clean without Harsh Chemicals - The easy button to cleaning without Supermarket chemical filled products Read more about it here. 


11 Day Jumpstart!
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Lose inflammation/that bloated feeling/weight and feel more energetic in just 11 days
• Reverse inflammation, the root of many problems
• Find a healthy feeling that's right for you
• Enjoy a friendly, supportive community 

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Here are some great places to start!

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Do just that by joining our Oily Facebook Group here
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